Food / Gift Packages

Luxury Cashew Nut Roast Pro Image

Food / Gift Packages

Package: Contains:Price: 


(4) Main meals*

(4) Basmati rice

(4) pastries

Yoghurt / Chutney / Chilli

Food for the week

(7) Main meals *

(7) Basmati rice

Family  (Feeds 4 people) – Enough main meals and sides to feed four people for 5 days.

(2) Bakes – x4

(1) Pea & Potato Curry – x4

(2) Dish options – x4

(3) Basmati rice – x4


The Bean Tree Gift Food Package**

(7) Main meals (3 bakes & 4 dishes)

(4) Basmati rice

(4) Chapatti

(7) Pastries



*Excludes the bakes, only for meals in pots.

** Great gift for a new mum, someone recovering from being unwell, when there has been a bereavement, as a thank you, someone moving house or just to take a week off cooking!

Contact us for more information & to tailor a package for your individual needs.
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